How to Use the Online Monitor (Last Seen) App to Track Your Contacts’ Activity

In today’s digital age, staying connected through messaging apps has become an integral part of our daily lives. For many, knowing when their contacts were last active online can be crucial, whether for personal or professional reasons.

The Online Monitor (Last Seen) app is designed to cater to this need, offering users the ability to monitor the online status and last seen time of their contacts across various messaging platforms.

This comprehensive review will delve into the app’s features, pros and cons, user feedback, and more, providing an in-depth look at what the Online Monitor (Last Seen) app has to offer.

What is Online Monitor (Last Seen)?

The Online Monitor (Last Seen) app is a specialized tool developed to help users keep track of their contacts’ online activities. It allows users to monitor the online status and last seen times of their contacts in real-time, across multiple messaging platforms. This app is particularly useful for those who want to ensure timely communication or track the online behavior of their contacts for various reasons.

How Online Monitor (Last Seen) Works

The Online Monitor (Last Seen) app operates by connecting to the messaging platforms that the user wishes to monitor. Once connected, the app continuously tracks the online status and last seen times of specified contacts. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

Installation and Setup: Users need to download and install the app from their respective app stores. After installation, they are required to grant necessary permissions for the app to access their messaging platforms.

Adding Contacts: Users can add the contacts they want to monitor by entering their phone numbers or selecting them from their contact list.

Real-time Tracking: The app begins tracking the online status and last seen times of the added contacts. It updates the information in real-time, providing users with instant notifications when a contact comes online or goes offline.

Data Display: The tracked information is displayed in a user-friendly interface, showing the online/offline status and the exact last seen time of each monitored contact.

Features of Online Monitor (Last Seen)

The Online Monitor (Last Seen) app boasts a range of features designed to provide comprehensive tracking and monitoring capabilities. Here’s a detailed look at its key features:

Online Status Tracking

The app allows users to monitor the online status of their contacts in real-time. This feature is particularly useful for those who need to know when their contacts are active on messaging platforms.

Last Seen Time Tracking

In addition to online status, the app provides information on when a contact was last active on messaging apps. This helps users understand the activity patterns of their contacts.

Multiple Platforms

The app supports tracking across various messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and more. This ensures that users can monitor contacts regardless of the messaging app they use.


The app sends instant notifications to users when a contact comes online or goes offline. This real-time alert system ensures that users are always aware of their contacts’ online activities.

User-Friendly Interface

The app features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for users of all tech levels. The information is displayed in a clear and organized manner, allowing users to quickly access the data they need.

Data Export

Users have the option to export the tracked data for further analysis. This feature is particularly useful for those who need to keep a record of online activities for personal or professional reasons.

Pros of Online Monitor (Last Seen)

Real-time monitoring capabilitiesProvides instant updates on the online status of contacts.
Notifications for online activitySends alerts when contacts come online or go offline.
Easy-to-use interfaceUser-friendly design suitable for all tech levels.
Supports multiple platformsTracks contacts across various messaging apps.
Data export featureAllows users to export tracked data for further use.

Cons of Online Monitor (Last Seen)

Privacy concerns for monitored contactsRaises ethical and privacy issues regarding monitoring.
Limited functionality on some platformsNot all features are available on all messaging apps.
Potential inaccuracies in tracking dataData may sometimes be inaccurate or delayed.

Online Monitor (Last Seen) Alternatives

If you are looking for alternatives to the Online Monitor (Last Seen) app, here are some options:

App NameDescriptionPlatforms Supported
WhatsDogMonitors WhatsApp contacts and provides online/offline notifications.Android
W-TrackTracks last seen times on WhatsApp with detailed statistics.Android
ChatwatchMonitors WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger activities.iOS, Android
WaStatProvides online status tracking and notifications for WhatsApp.Android
OnlineNotifyNotifies users of online/offline status on WhatsApp.iOS

Conclusion and Verdict: Online Monitor (Last Seen)

In conclusion, the Online Monitor (Last Seen) app is a valuable tool for those who need to keep track of their contacts’ online activities. Its real-time monitoring capabilities and notifications provide users with immediate insights into when their contacts are active on messaging platforms.

However, users should be mindful of the privacy implications and potential inaccuracies that come with using such a tool.

Overall, the app offers a convenient and effective way to monitor online status and last seen times, making it a worthwhile consideration for anyone looking to enhance their communication tracking.

About Majid Farooq

Educationalist and News caster. A wordsmith by day, a storyteller by night. I combine blogging with creating great content, then bringing it all to life as your friendly neighborhood newscaster. "Get the unique news first."

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