How To Generate Tags With AI: 2024 Guide

Tags - AI Hashtag Generator

Hashtags have become an indispensable tool for increasing social media reach and engagement. However, optimizing hashtags manually can be extremely time-consuming. This is where AI-powered apps like in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator come into the picture.

In this comprehensive review, we will explore how this app leverages artificial intelligence to streamline hashtag generation and analysis for major social platforms.

What is in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator?

in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator is a mobile app for iOS and Android that utilizes AI to create optimized, high-performing hashtags tailored to your brand and audience. The app allows you to input keywords and generate relevant hashtag suggestions based on criteria like popularity, search volume, and competitiveness.

The AI algorithm analyzes historical performance data and industry trends to identify hashtags that can boost visibility. It also provides analytics on usage and engagement rates to refine hashtag strategies. The generated tags can be organized into customizable categories for content creation and scheduling.

With an intuitive interface, flexible frequency filters, and advanced analytics, in Tags aims to simplify hashtag research for individuals, businesses, influencers, and social media managers. It competes with alternatives like Hashtagify and RiteTag as a data-driven hashtag optimization toolbox.

Features of in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator

in Tags packs an extensive feature set to provide end-to-end utility for streamlining hashtag usage. Let’s explore the key capabilities:

AI-Powered Hashtag Generator

This is the core feature that utilizes AI to instantly generate relevant hashtags based on keyword searches. The algorithm analyzes factors like:

  • Hashtag popularity on social networks
  • Competition and saturation
  • Related terms and semantic connections
  • Trend forecasting

It then suggests the most optimal hashtags for engagement. The results can be filtered across different frequency ranges too.

Customizable Frequency Ranges

Beyond preset ranges, users can create fully customized hashtag frequency filters like:

  • 10k-50k posts
  • 100k-200k posts
  • 500k-1M posts

This level of control caters to specific audience sizes by narrowing down hashtags.

Hashtag Performance Analytics

In-depth analytics provide data on:

  • Usage rates
  • Engagement rates
  • Trends and seasonality
  • Competition benchmarking

The insights help optimize hashtags further.

Category-Based Organization

Saving hashtags into customizable categories allows streamlined:

  • Content workflow integration
  • Multi-platform planning
  • Team collaboration

Categories can also be exported for usage across apps.

Enhanced Data Privacy and Security

Features like password protection, encryption, and data backups ensure user’s hashtag data remains private and secure.

AI hashtag generatorGenerates relevant hashtags from keywords using AI
Custom frequency rangesEnables creating fully customized hashtag usage ranges
Hashtag performance analyticsProvides insightful data on usage, engagement, trends etc
Category-based organizationAllows saving hashtags into customizable categories
Enhanced data privacy and securitySecures user data via encryption and other privacy controls

Pros of in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator

in Tags delivers substantial benefits that enhance hashtag optimization:

Time savingsReduces hours of manual hashtag research through intelligent AI
Increased reachDrives more visibility and engagement with optimal hashtags
CustomizationGranular control over frequency ranges and categories
Latest dataAlways up-to-date with real-time hashtag analytics
User experienceIntuitive interface improves workflow efficiency

Cons of in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator

Some drawbacks to consider:

Steep learning curveThe advanced analytics take time to master fully
Occasional irrelevant hashtagsThe AI still sometimes generates unrelated or ineffective hashtags
Limitations of free versionCore features require premium subscription
No post scheduling integrationHashtags have to be manually added to posts

in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator Alternatives

RiteTagBroad platform support. Clean interface.Paid-only model. Less customizable.
Tag O MaticFree version available. Decent support.Dated interface. Limitations in analytics.
HashtagifySophisticated data analytics. Topic research.Exclusively web-based. Steep learning curve.
AgorapulseRobust social media management features.Expensive. More complex than just hashtags.

Despite some capable alternatives, in Tags remains the most well-rounded hashtag solutions in terms of AI capabilities and user experience.

Conclusion and Verdict

In conclusion, in Tags – AI Hashtag Generator makes it easy to identify the most effective hashtags for increasing visibility on social media. The AI-powered engine eliminates tedious manual research by generating relevant, optimized hashtags in seconds.

Useful capabilities like custom frequency filters, performance analytics, and category organization provide end-to-end utility from research to implementation. While the free plan is limited, the premium version delivers robust functionality for power social media users and marketing teams.

Overall, in Tags simplifies hashtag optimization through innovative design and technology. It earns a 4.5 out of 5 rating for its combination of artificial intelligence and human-centered functionality. For serious social media marketers, it’s an app that delivers tremendous time savings and impactful results.


How does the app determine the relevance of generated hashtags?

It analyzes semantic connections, related terms, hashtag usage on social networks, search volumes, and industry trends to evaluate relevance before suggesting hashtags. Natural language processing helps identify contextual relationships.

Can I organize hashtags across social media accounts for a business?

Yes, the category feature allows you to create separate categories for different business accounts or brand initiatives. You can color-code them for quick visual identification too.

Is there a way to filter profanity or blacklist certain hashtags?

The app has built-in profanity filtering to avoid suggesting inappropriate hashtags. You can also add specific keywords to a blacklist to permanently exclude unwanted hashtags.

How often is the app updated with new hashtag data?

The algorithms pull in new data continuously to stay on top of trending hashtags. Major updates also enhance the AI engine’s capabilities every 2-3 months.

Does in Tags integrate with social media scheduling tools?

Currently, it does not offer direct integration with scheduling apps. But hashtags can be easily exported into CSV/spreadsheet formats for using during scheduling. More integrations are planned for future app versions.

About Majid Farooq

Educationalist and News caster. A wordsmith by day, a storyteller by night. I combine blogging with creating great content, then bringing it all to life as your friendly neighborhood newscaster. "Get the unique news first."

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